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  4. League of Legends Wallpaper - Top, Mid, Jungle, ADC und Support

League of Legends Wallpaper - Top, Mid, Jungle, ADC und Support

League of Legends Wallpaper - ADC
The AD Carry: Farm. Kite. Kill.
League of Legends - LoL
League of Legends - LoL
League of Legends Wallpaper - Solo Mid
The Solo Mid: Poke. Burst. Assassinate.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Flamer
The Flamer: Rage. Report. Alt + F4
League of Legends Wallpaper - Solo Mid
The Solo Mid: Poke. Burst. Roam
League of Legends Wallpaper - The Try Hard
The Try Hard: Kills. My Blue. Never Roam.
League of Legends Wallpaper - The Jungler
The Jungler: Smite. Gank. Tax.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Support
The Support: Protect. Ward. Dominate.
League of Legends Wallpaper - The Feeder
The Feeder: AFK. L2P. Assisting Enemy Team.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Solo Top
The Solo Top: Push. Dive. Tank.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Jungler
The Jungler: Smite. Steal. Stomp.