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  4. League of Legends Wallpaper - Rollen & Liebe für Jinx

League of Legends Wallpaper - Rollen & Liebe für Jinx

League of Legends Wallpaper - The Thrower
The Thrower: Lags. Get Caught. Recall in their Base.
League of Legends - LoL
League of Legends - LoL
League of Legends Wallpaper - Solo Top
Solo Top: Push. Dive. Tank.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Support
The Support: Protect. Tank. Dominate.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Jungler
The Jungler: Smite. Gank. Tax.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Support
The Support: Protect. Harass. Dominate.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Blame
The One Who Gets Blamed: Fail Smite. Low Level. Feeds on Gank.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Sewn Chaos Orianna
Uhhh, der Schatten von Sewn Chaos Orianna sieht gefährlich aus.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Jinx
Das hier ist für die Jinx-Fans unter uns.
League of Legends Wallpaper - Jinx, The Loose Cannon
Jinx stellt wieder Unsinn an!
League of Legends Wallpaper - Teemo
Der Teufel höchstpersönlich: Teemo